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What About the Disney Perks? Part II: Crunching the numbers

Posted on November 15, 2022 by | profile photo Lori Webb | Leave a Comment

Disney Attractions

Are the Disney perks you get when you purchase 100 Disney Vacation Club points directly from Disney worth the thousands of dollars more you’ll spend obtaining them? In this three-part series, we’re looking at the value of purchasing your Disney Vacation Club membership through our resale market. In our first post, we discussed the various extras DVC members are entitled to. In this post, we’re crunching the numbers to see how purchasing a DVC membership resale really adds up.

Buying DVC direct vs resale

For this example, we’ll use a sample DVC contract of Bay Lake Tower for 150 points. Buying directly from Disney costs $235 per point for a total of $35,250. At DVC Sales, the average price for a Bay Lake Tower membership is about $145 per point, totaling $21,750That’s 40% off with savings of $13,500! 

Factoring in the perks

Many members believe that the discount on annual passes is a huge benefit of buying directly from Disney. Even at the non-discounted rate, though, a family of four could purchase Platinum passes for three years with their savings from purchasing resale, based on our Bay Lake Tower example above. What about the dining and merchandise discounts? These discounts end up being quite minimal, especially when factoring in tax and tip at table-service locations. Plus, you’d have to purchase 528 discounted Minnie ears to equal the $13,500 worth of savings you’d get by purchasing resale! 

The value of your DVC membership 

The value of your membership is also an important consideration when choosing to purchase your membership through the resale market. You can use your vacation points to visit 14 resorts, three of which are on WDW’s monorail system and two within walking distance to Epcot. These resorts are likely to be the most popular ones for years to come, and continuing to have access to them is a huge benefit.      Restrictions on new DVC resorts may also affect a DVC membership’s value on the resale market. Current resale DVC members cannot use their vacation points at Disney’s new Riveria Resort or future resorts that will be constructed. This means that if a Riveria DVC member wants to sell a contract, the buyer can only stay at Riviera. DVC members love the flexibility of staying at multiple resorts, so this restriction could make it quite difficult for Riveria members to sell their memberships when the time comes.

DVC resale vs direct 

When you look at the numbers, it’s easy to see the savings of purchasing your Disney Vacation Club membership from our DVC Sales resale market. In our next post, we’ll explain how to save even more with alternative ways to receive similar benefits to Disney’s Membership Extras.  Ready to become a DVC member with our team at DVC Sales? Take a look at our available listings to find the right fit for your family. Or, you can create a listing on our website if you want to sell your membership!  


Written by

Lori Webb


As a former Disney Vacation Club cast member, Lori has assisted thousands of families over the years as they joined the Vacation Club. As co-owner of DVC Sales, Lori continues to spend her time helping both buyers and sellers of DVC memberships. "Living in Orlando has given our family the opportunity to visit the parks often. Now that our sons are older, we find that owning our membership at Vero Beach is the perfect fit for our family and a great escape less than 2 hours from home!"

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