Explore DVC Membership with DVC Sales: How To

DVC Sales is here to provide you with the information you need to decide if purchasing a DVC resale is right for your family. Take some time to review our guide to DVC membership, our selling and buying guides, and the reservation of points.
In this article, we'll explore DVC membership with you. You will get in-depth information about the details of ownership. Most importantly, if you are looking forward to purchasing your DVC resale or even selling your Disney membership, a member of the DVC Sales team is here to help. We are open seven days a week.
DVC Membership
Let's explore how DVC memberships work and the benefits of DVC membership. First, you should know about the Disney vacation club. It's a unique approach to timeshare vacation ownership. Disney Vacation Club membership allows members to purchase a contract and vacation any time of the year at any resort they wish.
Interested in purchasing a DVC contract, our DVC Sales team is here to help you in buying DVC points. Make selling Disney Vacation Club membership easy with our team is all former DVC Sales Guides with over 25 years of experience. We recommend you first pick the resort where you want to stay and purchase a contract for that resort. This will be your "home resort" while purchasing into the Disney Vacation Club. While you can Disney vacations without being a member, membership offers you many perks like staying at a resort that feels like home. You can buy various points to fit your needs and budget. Purchasing a DVC resale contract with DVC Sales allows its guests to stay at DVC resorts Walt Disney World, Vero Beach, FL, and Hilton Head, SC.
Our dedicated DVC Sales team helps buyers calculate the financing for different DVC points, but first, you should choose the right number of points for your family.
What is “Use Year?”
Each Disney Vacation Club contract is assigned one of eight different use months or "Use Year". On the first day of the month of your Use Year, your annual allotment of points will be deposited into your account to be used in the next 12 months to pay for your vacation. Members can use the points for the current use year or bank them before the end of the banking window to be used in the next Use Year. Points do not automatically bank to the next use year. Members have to call or log in to their account with Disney Member Services to bank their points. Contact a member of the DVC Sales to answer questions on understanding Use Year, banking, and borrowing.
What Else Should You Know?
The cost of membership and annual dues vary, and it may depend on the home resort you choose. There are many other factors like how many points you own and how often you travel.
These all things affect your membership cost. But worry no more! DVC Sales has a system of calculating the finance and points calculation. This vacation point calculator can help you determine the right number of points for your family. On top of all that, DVC buying and selling page is helpful for you for breaking down the points of choice.

Written by
Lori Webb
As a former Disney Vacation Club cast member, Lori has assisted thousands of families over the years as they joined the Vacation Club. As co-owner of DVC Sales, Lori continues to spend her time helping both buyers and sellers of DVC memberships. "Living in Orlando has given our family the opportunity to visit the parks often. Now that our sons are older, we find that owning our membership at Vero Beach is the perfect fit for our family and a great escape less than 2 hours from home!"
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